
set me down in your warm arms



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:29 PM
He grinned as they walked, Segin’s reaction was everything that he wanted to see, the awe in his expression and audible gasp. He gave the mottled man a gentle and affectionate bump of his shoulder. Being close to Segin had come as easy as breathing, and as they walked Indy didn’t let too much distance grow between them. What he found himself enjoying more than his reaction to the castle was the one he had for the food stores. Duchess's efforts were not going unnoticed, whenever they weren’t together he felt like she was hunting or caring for Gypsy. He felt pride rise up in his chest as bright blue eyes lingered on Segin’s form. No decisions would be made before he heard his name from the stairs.

Indigo turned to see Duchess and his expression brightened, if that were even possible. Segin was such a bright presence already. There wasn’t much that could compare to how she lit up when she saw him however. ”Duchess,” he greeted her quietly, nuzzling her cheek as she sought her own affection after being apart for so long. ”He found me,” Indigo’s eyes flickered up to Segin’s brilliant silver gaze. Introductions were easily made and Duchess assumed right in her thinking. Segin’s small thin frame wasn’t difficult to notice. He needed a good few meals under his belt. Indigo tilted his head and looked to Duchess, ”I think Segin might be a little overwhelmed, do you want to prepare something? We can all sit and eat.” He would make sure Gypsy made it to their little party. In that moment Indigo could see a glimpse of the band that had only been a little thought for so long.

Seeing Duchess and Segin together made everything more real. They were going to do this, they were a travelling band in the making. Segin needed help getting to condition, and they needed a few more supplies and logistics problems to solve. Like how to carry their herb stores, but that would come. For now, the focus was getting Segin fed.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.