
set me down in your warm arms



3 Years
Extra small
05-29-2021, 01:34 PM

‘Private quarters’ was a bit of an understatement. Gypsy insisted on a small space since she was such a small woman. She didn’t need a lot of room to move around. There was a little window in her space and enough furs to keep warm on cold nights. That was more than she’d ever had before in her life, and so she would never think to complain. The tiny fae was living like a queen. It was so surreal. Every day she expected to wake up and see that it was all a dream.

Today, the little wolf was sprawled out on her furs, soaking up a patch of sunlight from the small window. She lazily napped. It was safer to stay inside unless someone decided to escort her out onto the castle grounds. Gypsy rarely asked for anything, so most days she just stayed inside other than the few trips out to relieve herself. That was where she was when the soft call rang out for her.

A soft gasp pulled from the tiny fae as a voice roused her from sleep. Indigo continued speaking, saying that Duchess was preparing dinner. There was someone for her to meet? That didn’t sit well with the minuscule lass. Anxiety instantly flared within her. Who was it? Was the game finally up? Was Indigo bringing her father here to take her back? A quiver of fear shot through Gypsy, but she steeled her resolve. Besides, she couldn’t stay in the room forever.

Gently she pushed the door open and took a hesitant step out. Her stature was submissive as always, head lowered, ears tucked. If she had a tail, that would have been tucked too. Her milky eyes stared at the floor as she waited for Indigo to tell her who he’d brought. Would it be good or bad news?


**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.