
set me down in your warm arms



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:37 PM

Segin followed along beside Indigo as they made their way through the castle, his silver gaze lifting up to Indigo curiously as he spoke about the hard life Gypsy had led and warned him to be patient. Before he even met her Segin’s heart already broke for their fellow lost soul. It was difficult to not think of his sisters that he had spent so much time comforting and nurturing after their father was done with them. He nodded quietly and made sure to keep that in mind as they approached a door on the first level of the castle. He stood next to Indigo while his guide called out ot Gypsy, letting her know about dinner and that he was here to meet her.

He waited patiently until the door opened, revealing the smallest, prettiest wolf he had ever seen. He blinked with surprise, his gaze softening with compassion when he saw how she made herself even smaller than she already was with her head down and ears tucked back. Even the broken pieces of his heart shattered into even smaller pieces as he looked at her. It was a submissive stance that he was all too familiar with and had seen - and done - far too many times to count. His first instinct was to lower himself to the floor so he wouldn’t be a threat to hopefully make her feel a little better about being around him, but when he saw her eyes he realized it wouldn’t matter either way. His ears flicked back, but he still wore a small smile all the same. “Hi, Gypsy,” he said, speaking quietly and gently. “I’m Segin. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

With the last member of their group retrieved, he waited for Indigo to lead the way to the courtyard, quickly finding Duchess next to a grouping of mouthwatering looking skewers of meat, his mouth hanging open in awe. He walked to the one that Duchess pointed out for him and looked at the trio of wolves that made up his new family. For a moment he was completely in shock, just looking between them and the meal in front of him with tears welling up in his eyes. “T-Thank you, Duchess. This looks amazing,” he managed after a moment, a wide smile pulling across his face as he blinked away his tears. In the span of a day Indigo had completely turned his life around and he was still waiting to wake up and realize it had all been a dream. He settled down in front of his meal, taking a tentative bite and his silver gaze widening at the flavor that filled his mouth. “This is so good!” he exclaimed, his tail wagging happily as he dug in earnestly.

Segin Epsilon