
set me down in your warm arms



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:38 PM
He knew that Gypsy would be hesitant with anything new he introduced to her, not that he would ever blame her. He was just ready to accept the fact and prove to her that Segin meant her absolutely no harm. He’d given the smaller male a warning and they were both somewhat prepared when the sweet girl slipped from the doorway. He wanted to step forward and surround her, offer comfort and raise her up. Indigo was learning her though, he knew how uncomfortable physical touch really was. Instead he put one massive black paw beside her tiny speckled toes.

Segin was quiet as he greeted the tiny violet marked woman, he introduced himself in turn. Gypsy had to be one of Indigo’s highest priorities. She took the most patience, needed the most effort, to bring to a sense of normalcy. Segin’s words were sweet and soft, Indigo was proud of the man’s gentleness. His reaction to Gypsy furthered Indigo’s affection for him. ”He needed my help too.” Indigo told Gypsy quietly, only barely refraining from nuzzling her soft white ear. ”Lets go eat.” He told her with a smile as he lifted himself to his full height again, and once Gypsy looked like she was ready he led the way towards the courtyard where Duchess was waiting for them.

She had everything ready for them, everyone’s place positioned perfectly. Indigo’s grin widened as he was allowed to look at the family that he had built for himself. Pride and joy filled him, the wolves before him were lost souls that were drawn to him. That he had taken on the responsibility of rehabilitating and revealing the wonders of life they had been kept from for so long. They deserved all of his attention and caring, after being abused and mistreated he wanted to give every one of them the world. Indigo settled in to watch the wolves around him enjoy their meal, especially Segin. He hadn’t had a good meal in far too long.

The mottled man exclaimed his pleasure and Indigo grinned brightly. Segin looked bright and honestly happy. An incredible contrast to the man he had met in the cave that was ready to die. Despite everything he had been through he was smiling now and Indigo’s own chest swelled. ”Thank you, Duchess.” He looked over to the one who so talentedly made their dinner. Indigo knew he could happily get used to dinners together like this.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.