
Deathless Death

Ulric, Eska



7 Years
Chrono I

05-29-2021, 03:16 PM
She was still mostly unaware of what was really happening around her. Ulric explaining himself, Eska preparing to force feed her. But when the large woman approached her, she cowered and weakly pushed herself back into the den wall behind her, "Ty, I'm scared." A young and small voice came from her, her wide gaze flicked to Ulric to direct who she was talking to. Her ears tucked back as Eska proceeded, but she wouldn't fight back. Still, her starving body wouldn't scarf the food down though, only take it as slowly as Eska was feeding it to her.

She was a few pieces into the meal when she started to come to, but at first she nearly thought it was a dream. Her eyes were closed as she was fed and she slowly took in her surroundings from there. When she realized where she was, or at least that she was in real life she panicked and started to choke on the chewed food, scrambling backwards again into the back of the den and trying to get away from the woman feeding her. She didn't even notice Ulric in the mouth of the den. But she wasn't freaking out because she didn't want to eat, she was panicking because of the lack of control she felt she was in, and the woman she didn't know touching her without her consent. It took her backwards into what had happened to her after she left The Hallows, and the fear and trauma could be seen through her huge eyes. She wheezed as she choked, trying to catch her breath back in between her words, "Don't- Touch me." Her breath labored as she settled best she could still with the pain in her throat, "Please."

These were things she didn't want Ulric to know, she had asked to bed with the man that ended up belittling her and raping her, and she was disgusted with herself from even enjoying the sexual feelings of it. But ultimately after she found herself under the man, she didn't want to be there anymore. And it led her to this feeling of not having control over her life. She knew she was defenseless to protect herself.


Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead