
All this over some berries




4 Years
Extra large

Pride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 04:51 PM

Chasing off those wild dogs should have probably deterred her and sent her back toward the Armada, but she hadn't really gotten any noticeable injuries and the day was still fairly young so she didn't feel the need to turn back just yet. Since the woman she fought them off with was heading back toward Auster as well she figured she might as well take advantage of the traveling companion and go with her across the Bifrost at least. She wouldn't take up too much of Eska's time, but since they were going in the same direction it felt silly to not borrow her as a guide. They made it down to the southern continent without too much more fuss and then found themselves in a grove of trees absolutely packed with berry bushes. She was just taking a look at one of the bushes and considering if she should pick some on her way back to take home to Asla when she heard a rustle and a growl behind her.

Her hackles bristled and she spun to face the intruder, spotting the grizzly bear that was lumbering toward them. She gave Eska a quick glance as she began to back away from the bear that clearly didn't take too kindly to them poking around at the berries that it seemed to think belonged to it. She was about to suggest they run, but the bear didn't really give them a choice. It charged toward her and forced her to jump out of the way to avoid the swipe it made at her with its huge paw, its roar breaking the quiet of the clearing.

Acantha Elpis Stavros