
Facing my choices




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-29-2021, 06:45 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2021, 06:46 PM by Eska. Edited 1 time in total.)


The moment that she touched him, the expression on Ulric's face changed. He stilled. He calmed. He leaned into her touch. The man's words brought a soft chuckle from the brindled fae and she tilted her head slightly, giving it a light shake. "You are worthy." Her paw gently stroked his cheek. "You are." His words had sounded very much like a commitment. He wanted to be the man that she deserved. Eska had promised him that they would take things as slowly as he needed, but she couldn't say that this step upset her.

In the time that they'd known one another, she'd developed a strong bond with the man. He balanced her, tamping down her naturally harsh nature. Ulric made her happy. It was almost impossible to keep from smiling in his presence. As he kissed her paw tenderly, that familiar smile pulled at her maw. She just couldn't help herself. Ulric pulled her in with his magnetic personality. She didn't need him in the way that some women needed a man. Eska could protect herself. She could feed herself. She didn't need him. Gods though... did she ever want him.

The soft kiss that they shared was quickly overshadowed by another. Assuring him that he wasn't alone seemed to strike a chord in the man. Tears filled his brilliant silver eyes and Eska felt her throat tighten. For him to feel so deeply because of some simple words enlightened her as to what sort of trials he'd lived through. The protective nature of the woman made her want to hold him close. To keep him safe. To protect him like he protected those around him. He deserved that.

Ulric curled his foreleg behind her, pulling her in and she allowed him to do so. He adjusted, cupping her cheek in his paw just as she'd done to him prior. Eska's golden eyes stared unabashedly into his. Ulric kissed her. Not a brushing of lips, but a full, deep kiss. Their tongues danced and as both of their eyes closed, they gave in. A soft groan pulled from Eska's throat and it was echoed by a rumbling in Ulric's chest. They were on the same wavelength. Almost made for one another, it seemed at times.

Eventually, the kiss ended. They stayed close and as he nuzzled into her, she nuzzled right back. At some point, one foreleg had wrapped around him as well. Her claws gently stroked through the thicker fur of his ruff. Ulric's soft words met blackened ears and Eska's heart warmed within her. The woman buried her face in his neck, holding the earthen man close. Her own voice was soft when she spoke. "I need to thank you as well," she began, giving him a light squeeze. "Without you, I'd be drifting. I lost my way. I had nothing. You gave me purpose. So thank you, Ulric." Pulling back, she placed a gentle kiss upon one russet cheek. Her gaze searched his and Eska came to the realization then and there that she was falling in love with him.