
all that your love can bring



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-29-2021, 07:20 PM

Plague had slowly been piecing together the vision he had for the wedding that he was planning with Venom's help. If it had just been a small thing for him and Venom alone with maybe just their families in attendance then perhaps he wouldn't put quite this much effort into each and every detail, but since it was going to be a part of the pack's festival and a grand show of bridging a gap between Abaven and Ashen he wanted it to fully represent how much he genuinely loved Void. He didn't want there to be any question of how much this moment meant to them. Truthfully, he probably would have put this much effort into a smaller ceremony as well, but that's just who he was. He wanted Void to have only the very best and this was no different than all of the time and care he had poured into their home.

The den had felt incredibly empty without Void after their night together and he was just grateful that he had enough things to keep him busy and prevent him from dwelling on that loneliness for too long. With the time he spent helping train the pups, doing patrols, hunting for the pack, collecting items for the wedding, and crafting the outfits and decorations there was more than enough to keep him from being bored - though that was really only took a bit of the sting away from the hollowness he felt at night when he laid in the bed he had shared with Void that evening. He craved his fiancé desperately, but he knew he had to be patient. What would come would be so beyond worth it, it would just take time to be able to attain it.

He had spent the morning haggling with a few traveling traders that he had gotten a bit of a relationship with - the same ones that he had gotten Viridis and Procella from. The two snow leopards followed along just behind him since they always insisted on coming with him whenever he was going to speak with their former masters so that they could see their mother. Coils of richly colored fabric were wrapped around his neck, long pieces of blue and green wrapped into a thick scarf to make it easier to carry back to the den. Those traders had really been invaluable when it came to finding the odds and ends to make this wedding special. He had found them again while hunting for the perfect piece of leather and after telling them his vision they had returned with this fabric that couldn't be any more perfect for the regal look he had dreamed up for them. He was always hunting for better pelts and better herbs to trade for them so that the traders would continue to come back to him, though he had begun to get the sense that they just enjoyed trading with him in particular.

As they drew near the den a heart achingly familiar scent hit his nose and his emerald eyes popped up form the ground as hope squeezed at his chest. That distinctive, speckled form was lounging outside of the arched entrance to the den and a grin pulled across his lips. Void. His handsome Void. He rushed forward to greet him, dropping the roll of fabric off to the side before dropping to the ground beside Void and wrapping a possessive foreleg around his neck, pressing his lips to Void's with a relieved murr, his emerald eyes sliding closed as he kissed him deep and passionately, filling up that emptiness in his soul with the love and affection that he couldn't get from anyone else.

Plague | Viridis | Procella