
The Things That Are Deadly




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
05-30-2021, 12:13 PM

She had kept her head down and quietly gone though her usual work throughout the day following Chimera forcing himself on her. She had barely spoken a word to Siren that morning as she brushed out her fur and reworked her braids, bringing her breakfast, cleaning up around the den. It was easier to focus on her work as she reverted to what her mother had originally taught her. Keep your head down. Stay quiet. Work hard and make yourself useful so that they won't want to kill you. She had taken some herbs to help with the pain and had scrubbed herself clean until no hint of Chimera's scent was left on her before she even returned to the den that night. She didn't want Siren to ask what was wrong, she didn't want to talk about it at all. She wanted to pretend that it never happened and hope that if she made herself small enough and insignificant enough that he'd not want to do it again.

She left the den for the first time that day, moving out into the forests to go gather some fire wood and fresh bedding for the den. She felt like she was on high alert, every shift or sound around her making her tense. She kept expecting Chimera to be around every turn and she loathed that she was so on edge. Less than a day ago she had felt so carefree, just washing herself off in the ocean after another hard day of work, feeling content with her life. Now that had been altered and she hadn't figured out where to land. As she was picking up another branch to add to her pile, she heard the sound of paw steps in the distance and her hackles bristled on instinct as she turned to face the noise, though she did relax a tiny bit when she saw that it was the woman that she remembered fighting what felt like ages ago - though the last time they spoke Viper hadn't seemed to remember that incident so Dalila had let it go. She placed the stick she had been holding down on the pile of firewood as Viper approached her, giving the monochrome and red woman a curious and uncertain glance.
