
Taurig - Isar Son!



07-31-2013, 09:36 PM

So glaciem is in dire need of males, yes- females are the center of the pack, but the fun part is in the males that are expected to serve the ladies. They are there not only to protect them, guard them, feed them and cure them- but to fight for them, train their children and so on. So, to try and lure in atleast one other male, I've thought I'd open this youngun' up- now, it's fine if there's no interest, but it's worth a try.

Honestly, you can name him whatever the hell you want, but 'Taurig' translates to 'blue'. You may have guessed why; he's a gorgeous shade of grey, with that stunning hint of blue you see on the odd occasion. His points are dark and illusive, and he's very handsome. Again, you can change all of this I don't care. I imagine him to be fairly large, large enough to appeal to Isardis as a potential warrior.

His story would be that when Isar was two, he bred the odd female or so (typical!), and since moving he hasn't really been able to trace back his children. Though Taurig would be (possibly) his only son in the lands he originally came from, and he had every intention of going and finding him. So when he was aware his son was two, off he marched to get him, and lured him away from his mother with the promise of rank, training, respect and OMG- even the possibility of breeding rights!

You decide his persona, it's all down to you. But I think he'd be two, and he'd have to be willing to serve his father. Preferably I want somebody who's willing to get involved with the pack to take him, this could even mean helping to challenge for other packs females and maybe getting the right to breed. Only males of Isardis' blood with stand a chance there haha, so he'd be a lucky boy ;)

What do you think? You can apply here, just give me personality, appearance and tell me your plans for him. I don't care if it's 50 words each or 500 words, whatever makes you comfortable. <3