
I'll Always Come Home to You

Eska <3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-30-2021, 03:48 PM
He knew that being away from home for just shy of two weeks wasn't really that long in the grand scheme of life, but by the end of it he felt like he had been gone for an eternity. By the time they left Aerie and started heading back toward Auster he was about ready to run back to The Hallows border. There was a lot of contributing factors that made him home sick - everything from missing his children to being worried about the pack and even just simply missing the comfort of the bed he had gotten used to sleeping in. Those reasons alone would be more than enough to explain why he wanted to get home, but that wasn't even the reason that lingered on his mind most.

He missed Eska. He missed her more than he had even imagined he would. Just having her around throughout each day had brought him so much happiness and not having her there for so many days in a row made her absence all that much more noticeable. In the final stretch of their trip he started coming up with a plan. Even though all of the mess with Aranea she had been more than unwavering in her support and after leaving her alone for almost two weeks, entrusting her to watch over his mess while he was gone, he knew he needed to make it up to her. There was little he could do to really thank you for everything she had done for him, but maybe he could get close.

Ulric ducked into the castle, careful to avoid Eska so that he wouldn't ruin the surprise and grabbed a few supplies before slipping out again and making his way down to the beach. When they got back it was just getting into the afternoon so he had plenty of time to get everything set up by the time the sun was setting. He built a campfire on the beach, spread out a blanket and weighed down the corners with rocks to keep the light breeze from picking it up. There was a couple bottles of wine stuck into the sand beside the blanket - two different kinds just to make sure there was at least one they liked. He prepared skewers of meat that he seasoned and spiced before he started grilling them over the fire, filling the air with a delicious scent that made his mouth water. Inspired by the meal that Eska had laid out for them during the date she had prepared, he had gathered some berries as they passed through the Wildberry Grove on their way back and he had those in bowls next to the bottles of wine.

He timed it pretty well so that the sun was just beginning to set as the meat was getting close to being done cooking. With an excited flutter in his gut he lifted his head and let out a howl for Eska. This portion of the beach was just a short walk from the east side of the castle so he had no doubt that she would hear. He had also cleared out a path that led down to the beach one day after the weather eased up with the onset of summer so it was easy to get to. He smiled and finished tending to the meat he was cooking while he waited and when they were done he carefully pulled them off of the skewers and laid them out on a plank of wood that he used as a platter for their meal. He glanced back at the trail up to the castle, eagerly waiting to see that silver brindled wolf that had stolen his heart.

Ulric Adravendi