
In Repair


07-31-2013, 09:37 PM

The family had moved to another part of Alacritis, this time closer to where their old home was. Eria was up before the rest of the pack, looking out across the water that seemed to endlessly stretched. She wasn't used to being near the ocean. Most of her travels had led her to the parts of Ala that had plains, vast amounts of grassy knolls, and even a few jungles. This beach thing was new to her and she took in its differences from every other place she had explore with an open mind.
The smells that came with the ocean - the salty sea air, crabs and fish that found their ways to land without meaning to - made her nose sting, but it was refreshing from the usual scents of carrion and the metallic touch of blood. Her eyes moved to the calling of gulls that careened above her and over the water. She watched as one dove to the ocean's surface, catching a fish that had jumped from beneath it. In awe, she continued to watch nature take its course as the gull rose on the wind currents and back to its nest on dry land. Such an interesting world out there if you took the time to watch it.
The sun hadn't fully risen yet as Eria reclined to her haunches on the sand. Streaks of the light pinks and yellows of the day stretched across the sky, giving enough light for the dark fae to see what all was going on. She wondered how long the pack would stay until Gargoyle decided it was time to move again. As the cool, Northern breezes swept around her, she blinked a few times and brushed out her dark pelt. The morning was still quiet, perfect for any type of opportunity to unfold for her.
