
Island of misfit toys




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
05-30-2021, 10:36 PM

As soon as Chimera released her and told her to go back to Siren she immediately took off back toward their home, moving as quickly as she could with the pain that was radiating form her shoulder. It was hard to see past the confusion and panic that had set deep in her chest between what had happened last night and the attack she had just endured from Viper. She couldn't comprehend the reason behind any of it and as she stumbled into the den she pressed herself against the wall, pulling air into her lungs and trying to put any kind of coherent thought into her mind.

She had no way of knowing that Viper had seen Chimera on top of her or that it would have made the other woman act in such a way. From her perspective and from what she knew it just felt like a random attack. She was honestly kind of glad that Chimera had shown up when he had which was a strange thought in of itself after doing everything she could to avoid him all day. But seeing him defend her, even if it was simply because she was his property, caught her off guard. The way he had moved her and spoken to her was such a stark contrast from how he had been last night and it sent her head spinning.

"S-Siren?" she called from the room where their herbs were stored, glancing down at the gash across the middle of her shoulder and then back up at the herbs. She originally thought she might be able to tend to the wound herself, but as she looked at the shelves all of her lessons and knowledge seemingly disappeared all at once. She was trembling too much to do anything with any kind of dexterity and it was hard to see through the tears that were clouding her vision. "Siren could you... Could you help me please?" She hated asking for help, she hated knowing that her lady would see her like this, but she didn't have much choice.
