
Right By My Side [joining]

Silent I


11 Years
07-31-2013, 09:54 PM

She flicked her tail as Maverick spoke, not out of annoyance, but acceptance. Her smile remained on her gentle features as she nodded, taking his words to heart and watched him leave. When the Prince had left and was out of earshot, she turned and didn't hesitate to take on her husband's affections. As he breathed in her scent, she happily sighed and closed her eyes at his touch. Ears perked to his words and she nodded with her eyes shut.
"You couldn't be more right about that, my love. To know that we are a part of something so much bigger than us, but have safety in the numbers and the wolves that make up those numbers...It is more than I could ever ask for in my old age." Silent opened her eyes to gaze into the opts of her love. "I will admit, we are older than we used to be, but we are only as old as we feel." She tenderly nuzzled his cheek, licking it before pulling back again. "Since we have reunited, I have felt younger than I have in years. I have more energy, I feel more alive, and my life has more of a purpose since you proclaimed your love for me again." She then scooped up one of his paws and brought it to rest on her protruding abdomen. "We are going to be parents again, Bronze...and it's all because of what we have shared for so long. I wouldn't want anything to change this. So much time has passed that we haven't been together and I don't want to lose another minute with you, my love."

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥