
I Am Strong Enough




3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
05-30-2021, 11:40 PM

By some stroke of luck or the blessings of whatever gods existed, Indigo seemed to be healing nicely. Emersyn had been in the room when Iolaire declared him stable, and said that the only memento he'd have from his fight at the river was a scar across his belly. All things considered, Em chalked that up as a win. She had breathed a sigh of relief at the news, but still didn't lighten up her guard duties for the injured man. This had been her doing, and she would see to it that it was set right. Over the days, she had gotten more relaxed around the amount of wolves the Hallows seemed to have. The last time she'd been in a pack was when she was just a wee pup, and even then those memories had been repressed. Too painful, too painful... Although she had calmed down, she still kept to herself, watching Indigo interact with his band of misfits from the sidelines. They all seemed to happy together, like they were meant to be a little collective family...

On this day, a particularly nice sunny day, Em had situated herself out in the courtyard by the stairs that led into the wing where Indigo was resting. Now that he was healing nicely, she didn't feel the constant need to stay at his door, and permitted herself some time to roam the castle grounds. Old habits were hard to break, however, and the dusty lavender wolf soon found herself just pacing and waiting the day away idly, doing little more than switching from different posts to watch over. All she'd ever known was combat and waiting—and if she wasn't fighting, then she was waiting for the next fight.

Emersyn closed her eyes while the sun warmed her fur, taking in a deep breath of the fresh air tinged slightly by salt from the nearby ocean. She had to admit, the Hallows had picked a gorgeous bit of land to settle on, and the castle was remarkable in its own right too. Everything here was so quiet, so peaceful... But even with the peace, Em's senses were tightly wound and finely tuned, picking up on the soft crunch of paws approaching her before the fae said anything. Emersyn's eyes snapped open, peering down at the littler woman when she commented on her healing injuries. Duchess, this one was Duchess. "Yes, thank you. The healers of this pack are very skilled," she noted, lifting her bandaged paw which had already stopped throbbing every time she put weight on it. "Pain is something I'm familiar with, sadly."

It was true; her body was littered with small scars from her time in the pits, some old and some fresh, each one a story of her past. She set her paw down and looked down into the other girl's duo-toned eyes as well, both wolves sporting heterochromia, though with different shades in their irises. It tickled her a bit; Indigo did indeed have a type after all...
