
Clever as the Devil, and Twice as Pretty




7 Years
Dire wolf
05-31-2021, 08:08 AM

There was no real reason for Oxx to be in this place of old, fallen trees other than the fact that he wanted to be there. The hulking brute came and went as he pleased. With his sweet mother dead, there was nothing holding him anywhere. He could drift on the wind if he so wished it. For one as large as himself though, drifting took time. And naps. A lot of naps. A whole slew of naps.

Though Isidora was his traveling companion, they didn't spend all of their time together. They walked their own circles, coming together here and there in more ways than one. Oxx was significantly more lecherous when the sandy woman wasn't around, so he tended to go off on his own often. Who knew what wonderful trouble he could get himself into? What lady he could coerce into lifting her tail for him? Whose flesh could his razor sharp teeth pop through today? Each day was a gamble, a surprise. If anyone truly loved life, it was Oxx.

Walking was always tedious work. Easier if there was someone to walk with, but first one had to find that someone to walk with. Walking brought about tiredness and tiredness brought about naps. Hefting his big body onto one of the fallen trees, Oxx followed it upward before sprawling across it in a little beam of sunlight. It warmed him just enough to lull the giant bastard to sleep. There may have even been a little smile on his lips. There were no dreams to make his nap less restful, there was only sweet sleep and relaxation.

In time, Oxx woke naturally. Dark grey eyes opened upon the expanse of woody terrain. A yawn pulled from him and he stretched, digging his claws into the bark of the tree beneath him to send showers down upon the world below. Being in no hurry, Oxx settled back down on his belly. Big paws crossed, he looked down upon the world around him still seeking some sort of entertainment. Oh, and just his luck, there it came. From just ahead, moving down a natural pathway in the forest, came a golden-hued beauty. An appreciative rumble bubbled up in Oxx's chest as he watched the dainty fae move right into his web.

With sunlight waning and night taking hold, the black and white spattered brute could very well have had some camouflage, but it didn't matter either way whether he did or not. Oxx wasn't trying to hide in the slightest. He wasn't entirely sure what kind of mood he was in just yet. If she ran, would he give chase? If he caught her, would she bleed? Would he play the part of chivalrous gentleman? Even he didn't know until the events unfolded before him. So, he watched her. With each step bringing her closer to him, the anticipation of their meeting rose.

"Oxx Carpathius"

Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.