
Teach me how to love



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-31-2021, 03:35 PM

Alastor did not miss the looks of burning passion and excitement in Manea's aqua eyes when he took his wedding cuff from her and slid it onto his foreleg, loving the way she looked at him with this love, this lust, this possessiveness that bordered on the edge of obsession. It made him feel powerful, respected, valuable, worshipped... All the things he had never felt in his life. She didn't respond with words, instead submitting to his victory claim by gently cupping his cheeks and bringing his mouth to meet hers in a deeply passionate kiss, far more sensual and intimate than any of the other kisses they had shared before. She said nothing, but her lips and tongue spoke volumes for her, telling him of the depths of her love and adoration, and giving him a sample of what she had in store for him now that they were a mated pair. It made Alastor's fur bristle in all the right ways, electric fire jumping between every nerve in his body before coming to settle between his legs.

Once their lips parted, leaving the demon wolf a little more breathless than before, he watched with curious onyx eyes while Manea guided his paw to paint the black pads in her viscous blood, then did the same for her own paw with his blood. Their paws met, their blood mixing like a macabre cocktail between their digits while the last of the sunlight danced on the jewels of their respective wedding cuffs, sparkling red and purple in the dying light. Alastor stared at their paws until Manea began to speak, her muzzle brushing against his and her whispered words so close he could feel each exhale against his cheek. She completed the ceremony, praying to her gods, combining their immortal souls for all eternity to grant greater strength to their eventual children, and permitting him the honor of carrying her name and joining her in her afterlife. Alastor had always spurned religion, finding beliefs in deities and higher beings to be ludicrous and a waste of time. But to Manea, this was serious. This was an important part of who she was, and Alastor couldn't even muster a snarky look while she prayed, instead listening with quiet reverence as she admitted and embraced him in her religion, baptizing him as Alastor Mendacium.

Alastor Mendacium. After all these years, he finally had his name.

Her paw squeezed his, and Alastor tilted his muzzle just enough to gaze down into Manea's love-filled eyes, a grin of his own appearing across his stunned face. They were mates, married in the eyes of her gods. He was hers and she was his for all time. She whispered his name against his muzzle, and before he could respond, he tasted her lips and tongue against his again while her paws gripped to his neck. It was their first kiss as mates, and somehow that made it taste all the sweeter! Their kiss was heated, insistent, demanding, obsessive and possessive in every regard. His lips crushed harder to hers, one paw slipping beneath her lower back to pull her body tighter to his while the other clawed trenches through the black sand beneath them. His heart hammered in his chest, an emotion far stronger than just the insatiable lust he felt for her setting his soul and body ablaze. Alastor had never felt love before—perhaps this was it? This foreign feeling of compulsion to give and to do anything and everything to the fae wrapping herself around him like her life depended on it. If this was love, then Alastor was head over heels for Manea!

As the sun dipped its final rays of light beyond the western ocean, leaving them shrouded in twilight, the two Mendacium wolves melted into one another against the obsidian shore, their sounds of pleasure lost to the ocean waves, heard only by one another. Their first mating as husband and wife would be different from their other couplings; this was about them expressing and claiming the other through their shared demented love. The moon and the stars would be the light by which they navigated one another, hungers rising, passions flaring, needs climbing. His paw found her hips, pulling her roughly into him. She gave herself to him and Alastor took her with a snarl, bodies moving in perfect harmony as they consummated their marriage beneath the silvery light of the full summer moon.

— FADE —


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
