
I Am Strong Enough




3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
05-31-2021, 04:41 PM

Duchess' sympathies were noted, but ultimately Emersyn didn't want sympathies. She felt bad enough about her own existence to not need anyone else to remind her how much her life sucked. She didn't hold it against the daintier woman though; she was trying to be kind, and Em wouldn't chew her out for that. Kindness, however, was not something she knew how to navigate. Duchess sat down and gave her another smile, then introduced herself officially. It was true, she knew of Duchess in passing from talks with Indy, but she didn't actually know anything about her. Em gave a strained smile back, not because she was finding it hard to be polite, but because she was finding it hard to have a real reason to smile. "Indigo's talked about you a lot," she stated with a nod. "I'm Emersyn. Em for short." It still felt weird using her real name again. She had gotten so used to going by Thistle that Emersyn felt more like the nickname than her pit fighter name by now.

Emersyn raised a curious brow when Duchess informed her that Indigo was supposed to teach her how to fight and defend herself before he got injured. She gave a brief glance over the little wolf, trying to picture the lightweight girl in an actual fight. It was a stretch of the imagination for sure, but hell, she'd seen some tough-ass pit fighters not much bigger than Duchess was. "Is that so?" she said with a pensive hum. She supposed she could give Duchess a few basic pointers, especially since she had nothing else to occupy her time with, and this at least felt familiar to her. "Well, since Indy's out of commission because of me, I suppose it's the least I can do, right?"

Rising to her paws, the dusty lavender and black fae motioned for Duchess to follow her. She led the smaller girl into the center of the courtyard, soft grass and cobblestone underneath their paws while she found a space large enough for them to move around without tripping over anything. She surveyed their makeshift arena with a nod, then looked back to Duchess, a familiar life returning to her gaze. "There's a lot that goes into learning to fight. Basic offense, defense, footwork and maneuvering, dodging, being aware of your surroundings..." While it sounded like a lot, Em was able to break it down into whatever Duchess wanted to learn. "Has anyone ever shown you any basics? How to stand, where to attack, how to block an attack...? Are we starting at square one, or is there something specific you wanted Indy to show you?"
