
I'll Always Come Home to You

Eska <3



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-31-2021, 05:53 PM

Eska spent her days working hard. Twice a day she went and made sure that Aranea was eating and drinking. The woman was still a raging nutcase, but it didn't seem as though she was one step from death anymore. According to Gwyn, it seemed that the pups were still alive. There was movement in there at least. Whether or not they would make it to their birth day remained to be seen. Aside from feeding Aranea, Eska had been filling the food stores as she was able. She was a little surprised that she had drifted into the role of pack wolf so easily, not that she was complaining.

Having just some back from hunting, Eska made her way down to the food cache to place a brace of young summer rabbits within. She'd just come back up the stairwell when she heard Ulric's voice calling for her. Instantly, the silver streaked fae's excitement rose. He was back. Finally back. Eska didn't want to make him wait, but she took a moment to clean her bloodied mouth and paws before she made her way out towards him.

Eska's brow furrowed as she followed the man's scent down the path behind the castle and towards the beach. Why would he want to speak to her there? She supposed that it didn't really matter where they spoke. She would just be happy to see him after all this time. Had he thought of her as much as she'd thought of him? Did he miss her presence? Her touch? The kisses that they shared?

She saw the golden glow of the fire before she saw the man beside it. When she cleared the path and stepped onto the beach, the woman stopped in her tracks. Ulric was there and it seemed that he had prepared a picnic for her just like she had for him. Eska moved towards him as he lay waiting upon the blanket. Without even saying anything, the masked fae stopped before him, one paw raising to his cheek, and pulled him into a kiss. With that kiss she sought to prove to him just how much she'd missed him.

Eska Datura Timber