
(Birth)The story of our life



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

05-31-2021, 11:39 PM

Casso was already protective and possessive of Yurei in their normal day to day lives, but as soon as it came to light that they were going to be parents he barely ever left her side. He watched over her and brought her everything she needed, keeping her company and doting on her how she deserved to be. Whenever she did leave their room he went with her and helped her with whatever task she was doing and the only time he went anywhere without her was when he went out to hunt. It was still so hard to wrap his mind around the fact that they would be parents. He was going to be a father and she was going to be a mother. Slowly he watched her stomach grow larger and larger with their children and he would lay with her at night with his cheek gently resting on her stomach, feeling the pups move against his touch.

He was just out getting a quick meal for them, just a few arctic hares to share, and when he was coming back to their room he heard her whine and immediately rushed in, dropping the hares off to the side as he turned to her worriedly. He could see the pain she was in and he didn't have to ask what was wrong, he already knew. Their pups were coming. Excitement mixed with his nervousness and worry as he dipped his head to nuzzle her cheek encouragingly. "Just tell me what you need, my love. I'll help with whatever you need." Being around her as much as he was he had more or less at least learned the names of herbs even if he didn't exactly know what they did or how to use them so he could at least fetch things if she named them for him or if she just needed his support then he could be that for her too.

"Casso" | Think | "Boris"

Art by CloudyNight