
Island of misfit toys




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
06-01-2021, 06:47 AM
Siren had been mostly asleep when Dalila returned to the dens that night, the dappled woman seemed off but Siren didn’t make any connections until the next morning when she was also much quieter than usual. Siren didn’t press, she was never one to push. So the day continued without incident as usual. Siren spent her time with the deer herd, the innocent woman was making friends with the young fawns within. There were only a few this year, after the long winter there had only been a couple true survivors. Siren wouldn’t be forced to cull anyone this year or next.

When she felt herself grow hungry Siren returned to the dens. It was a much more impressive home these days, incredible really compared to what she and Dalila had first done. Her dainty paws were not made to dig, that was widely apparent after her efforts. She had her meal, alone, which was odd as well, but after such a long day of walking around the island the tiny princess made herself comfortable in her special bed and took a nap.

She knew she wasn’t asleep for very long when she heard Dalila’s voice from the herbs room. At first she didn’t recognize the panic there, and almost thought she dreamed hearing her name. Then her name was called again followed by the distressed sound of Dalila asking for her help. Siren immediately picked her way out of the furs and cushions of her comfortable bed. Dainty paws carried her to the herbs storage and she was stopped in complete surprise at the sight of her servant. Tears streamed down her eyes, she was trembling and bleeding.

Siren was suddenly nauseous at the sight of her. Not because she was disgusted by Dalila, but because she could hardly stand to see the woman like this. ”Dalila!” She exclaimed as she shed off the surprise and rushed to the woman’s side. ”Who did this to you?” Siren didn’t often experience anger or rage, they were mostly foreign to her, but the feelings erupted within her like a terrible volcano. Not that she had any power to do anything but get Chi to do something.

The dainty princess immediately started to inspect the wounds, and she tried to ignore the scent of Viper on her servant.