
all that your love can bring



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
06-01-2021, 11:53 AM
In the first few moments of reuniting Void could hardly think of anything beyond Plague’s love and affection. How much love they shared and the deeper desires that evolved from that. Void felt like he couldn’t get enough of the man, they weren’t close enough and he craved Plague’s touch. They were close, and their affection was unrestricted and yet Void felt like he still had to hold back, the taller the high the deeper the low so to speak. He couldn’t just fall into Plague’s arms, the consequences were too heavy, and he knew he could hold out just a little longer. They’d be a mated pair, wedded and joined as one. The thought was comforting even as he whispered against Plague’s lips and his soulmate agreed with his words as he showered him with nuzzles and kisses that had been so sorely missed.

Void felt like his heart was filling, he needed Plague’s love desperately after the devastation they endured. There was still a part of him that reminded him if Polt was still alive surely Eulogy had a chance out there. Eventually they pulled apart and leaned against the lush green grass. Bright blue and lavender eyes gazed adoringly into Plague’s endless forest irises. He was thankful that they could talk about the wedding and everything they had to look forward to instead of how poorly his search was still going. Part of his was relieved they were done, the pressure was gone, but the other was devastated. Void tried to occupy the former state of mind as much as he could, but it was so hard some days. ”Unending love,” He whispered back as he sought Plague’s affection desperately.

Plague did his best to wash away his nerves and worries with sweet words about everything he had planned for the two of them. Decorative outfits, the Empress assisting in the planning, a summer festival, all of the packs. Void tried not to show it but he was suddenly overwhelmed. He knew that Plague was doing all of this for him, but it was so so much. Void was never the center of attention for more than his siblings, and now he was going to be put in front of not only two packs, but closer to five. It was all so much.

He was soothed by Plague’s closing word, at the end of the day they were going to be married. They were going to pledge their lives to one another. He could endure the attention for that long for Plague, right? ”That’s…” He grasped for his words, mouth gaping slightly as she struggled through the sudden anxiety. ”That’s...” He buried his head in Plague’s neck and took a few deep breaths, he felt the anxiety but he couldn’t put words to the emotions.