
Do you know where the wild things go?

Tiresias I


07-31-2013, 10:51 PM

She listened attentively, something he was unused to seeing. Tyberius hadn't given two shits about what he had to say and since the brothers had parted ways, he hadn't had anyone take interest in him. Nothing like what Alena was doing now. "If it's at all possible, the best way to clean a wound is to submerge it in water, then clean it by tongue. That's usually very difficult to do, so it's easiest to run one's tongue over the wound to clean it. Lemon balm will do the rest. Just make sure not to get it in the wound or it won't heal properly. Just around the edges will do."

It was clear to him that she really did want to learn from him. The information would do her well. When she asked how to make the herbs into a paste, he blanched. Embarrassed, he said, "The paste is made by chewing the leaves. The herbs won't hurt you, as the healer, so don't fret if you swallow some." His ears flicked backward and he turned his gaze away from her for a moment, to regain his composure.

She began speaking again and he turned his gaze back to her. Defense was probably the best option for him; he wasn't keen on harming another wolf. He could do it if needed. The most vital points of the lupine body were ready knowledge to him, and he'd know the easiest way to cripple a foe, but would he? Probably not. He nodded his understanding as she finished her explanation. "How do you go about attacking another wolf? I'm not sure that I'd be fast enough to aim for anything vital." Tiresias knew that he was a coward, plain and simple. He didn't know if he could fight because he'd never tried. He wasn't likely to find out until jaws were nearly around his neck.

TAG: alena! . WORDS: 314 . NOTES: none.