
give me all your loving


07-31-2013, 10:54 PM
She was lost, so lost without her love, her anchor, her life. It had been some time since the woman had seen Newt, been forever since she had been able to pull herself out of the haze. It was becoming harder and harder for her to function properly. It felt as though a heavy fog had settled over her mind and body, slowing her down and tripping her up. She needed Newt, needed to taste her pain, her hatred and her fear. She needed to taste her blood, to feel her flesh part beneath her fangs. Kaios was gone, Zara could finally claim Newt as her own and yet she had not yet done so. Why hadn't she found her queen yet? They had met briefly after the battle, but they hadn't been alone, their pack mates had gathered to express their condolences and loyalties. Zara had stuck around for a short while before wandering off, unable to handle all the voices for long. Some days she didn't know which voices were real and which ones were only in her mind. Being unable to see who was speaking she could no longer differentiate the two. Sometimes she found herself responding to a voice that existed only in her mind.

Thank god for Newt, is Zara had retaken the throne as planned she knew she would have been a horrible leader. She found that she could no longer be around more then one, maybe two others at a time. But in a setting like a pack meeting with so many wolves and so many voices that she didn't recognize. Throw in a few more voices that she knew were imagined but couldn't differentiate from the rest. She couldn't be in a pack anymore, she loved Newt, loved her children but the rest of her pack mates she could honestly care less about. But that was why Newt had stepped up, happy to lead and Zara being happy to follow her queen. In the end it seemed like everything had worked out for the best until Medusa had come along. The black serpent who had torn them from their home and from their pack. It had been so strange to see her again, after their meeting in the north Zara had assumed that they would never meet again. But there she had been, all sleek and slender, smelling delicious as always. Such a stark contrast to herself, large, muscular and scarred to the point where she had been sure that she would never find someone to love her. But why did she need anyone? She had Newt, and she once again didn't have to share the woman. Now all she had to do was claim her.

Zara had ventured back to the first place she had come to after the volcano, to the place she had sought refuge in. The ship still loomed magnificently over the world, she sat easily a few yards away with her head tipped back and blind eyes closed. Ripped and frayed ears were tipped forward towards the ship, listening to the way that the howling wind crashed against the hull. Today was not the best day to be out and exploring but she wanted to be here, she also needed to find Newt. The older woman tipped her head back, a call to her love circling forth from frayed lips only to be carried away by the wind and hopefully towards Newt. It was a simple request for her presence, though the call was filled with need and desire for her. It would also tell newt that Zara would be waiting for her within the ship. She would be just within the hull and easy to find. If/when Newt came they could venture further within, maybe explore a bit. When Zara had met Snap here they had just found shelter and rested, there had been no exploring. Maybe she and Newt could find a warm place to spend the night.

The mammoth of a woman slowly lifted herself, shaking out her ragged pelt and shifting so her joints popped before standing straight. her crown lowered, crooked tail licking at her heels as she started walking towards the ship. Massive paws pressed against the cold earth, snow still present here even though the season was normally warm. But in the north anything went. The woman had frown up in the north and the cold so it wasn't particularly unpleasant for her. She just didn't love the wind, it tugged at her fur and directed the biting cold directly to her scars. But as she pin pointed the opening in the hull and slipped inside the wind was cut off and a sigh of relief slipped from her lips. The wind continued to batter the haul outside but the noise was slightly dulled within the ship. The woman lowered her head and followed the wall of the haul ten steps to the right. There she turned to face the entrance once more, lowering herself to her haunched but not laying down. Never know who might answer her call...