
I'll Always Come Home to You

Eska <3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
06-01-2021, 07:14 PM
He tried his best to be nonchalant and calm as he waited for Eska, but he couldn't quite contain his anxious energy he felt in the minutes that passed. He fiddled with the blanket under his paws, fed a few more bits of wood into the fire, ate a couple of the berries from the bowls, uncorked the wine - pretty much anything to keep himself busy and keep from staring at the trail and giving away just how obsessed with this woman he was. He made himself look out toward the sunset with just his ear turned back toward the trail to listen and after what was probably only a handful of minutes but felt like hours he heard the sound of paws shifting through sand behind him. His heart leapt into his throat as he turned his head, spotting Eska standing there with obvious surprise on her face. A proud grin spread across his lips as his chest swelled. His surprise had been a success and at least her first reactions seemed to be positive ones.

Ulric's silver gaze followed her as she drew closer, his adoring expression shining through as he looked up at her. He opened his mouth to greet her only to have her paw find his cheek and silence any words that might have left him, her lips finding his with a rush of relief and desire for the affection he had been craving since the day he and Artorias left for their trip. A low, pleased rumble resounded in his chest and he pressed deeper into that kiss, his heart fluttering and skipping with need and love that only grew each time they were together. He had wondered if maybe time apart would cool his desire or make him see things more clearly. In a way, it had. It made him see that she was exactly what he needed and wanted in every way and that want went far deeper than just a physical attraction. That desire brought him home earlier than expected and made him rush their trip, but it was more than worth it for this moment.

He knew their was dinner to be eaten, but he didn't care. The food he had painstakingly prepared was now forgotten as he shifted with their lips still pressed together, hooking his large paw around her lower back and pulling her to the ground behind him, sweeping her off her feet as he rolled in the same movement to hold himself over her. It was only once he had her on her back on the blanket, holding his larger form over hers, that he allowed their kiss to break and his gaze to blink open once more. His lips still gently brushed against hers as a grin pulled across his face, looking down at her with such a deep love and desire that he didn't even know where to begin. He brushed his muzzle and scarred cheek against hers, giving her delicate ear a tender lick. "I missed you," he rumbled softly, the deep tones of his baritone voice almost growling in this soft whisper.

He felt like that was probably obvious without him having to say the words at this point, but anything else he would have said was brushed away from his thoughts. He shifted his weight a bit to hold himself with one forepaw so that the other could brush against her cheek as he brought his gaze back to hers, delicately combing his claws through the soft fur on her cheek and down the side of her neck. He was grateful for the time that they had spent taking things slow, learning each other, building their trust, but his resolve was wearing more and more thin by the day. Anywhere that their fur brushed together sent electric sparks through his core, lighting him on fire and making him want more. He brushed his muzzle against hers once more, inviting her to kiss him again or leaving the space for her to have him stop.

Ulric Adravendi