
Ready For Lives

Silent I


11 Years
07-31-2013, 11:08 PM

Song's exclamation of pregnancy being tough made her laugh out loud. It was a true laugh, one that not many had heard in quite awhile, including herself. The light in her eyes danced from the reaction she had to Song's statement, making her face brighten as a result. "Let me guess, you were excited when you first found out, and now that it's near the end, you are ready for it to be over already?" The black female gave Song a look of stern amusement and she stretched her head out to lick her adopted daughter's face. "My love, you are still young and na?ve about some things, but I love you anyway." The delight that rang in Silent's tones made the situation all the more hilarious.
She saw the way the unborn puppies were moving in Song's womb. They seemed to stretch and push against the barrier that kept them safe from the outside world. Her eyes shined with loving tears as she took a few more paces towards the white dame in front of her. Silent turned and sat next to Song, raised a paw, and gently ran a paw across the white fur. Immediately, she felt some recoil from the puppies inside Song as they responded to her touch. Silent giggled like a young lady in love and wrapped her tail around her hind paws. Song's adopted mother was ready to meet her adopted grandpups. The time couldn't come faster.
Silent then looked down to her own stretched out stomach. A few kicks and prods were felt from her puppies inside her and she hummed gently to send vibrations through her body. "It's okay, my lovelies," she softly cooed. "You will be out soon, too. I cannot wait to meet you and you will have so many playmates, you all won't know what to do with yourselves." The unborn Mercury gently prodded against his mother's stomach, wanting to reach the voice that was calling to him and his siblings. His brother, Faolan, reached out a paw past Mercury, wanting to show his attention to his mother's words. As for the sisters...well, they were only relaxing, enjoying the safety of their mother's womb. The identities of her pups were unknown to Silent, but she enjoyed the constant movements that came from her coaxing words.
Her gaze moved to the quivering Song that rested next to her. From the heat that was bearing down on her and struggling with her first major pregnancy, Silent's caring abilities swept in right then. She slowly rose from her haunches, nudged Song in the neck, and said, "Come along, my dear. Let's find you some shade." Her eyes cast over to the spot on the other side of the small watering hole. A tree hung out over the pond, giving plenty of shade on the wide bank. Silent stood next to Song, tail slowly waging behind her as she waited for her to rise. In the end stages of the pregnancy, she wanted to make sure Song knew that she would be there. Pregnant or not, Silent would stand beside her and walk through it all with her.

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥