


07-31-2013, 11:49 PM

Who will be there to take my place when I'm gone, you'll need love, to light the shadows on your face

As you wish, my love. Such simple words brought the faintest of smiles to her pained face. So this was it. The end. The end of a long life, filled with so many different emotions. Rage. Hate. Love. Passion. It was the best way to end her suffering, in her mind at least. Killed by the man she loved. She never admitted, and neither did he. Those three little words would never be spoken, but they didn't need to be. It had always been there, hiding in the shadows, hanging over both of them. And it didn't come out until the very end. Spoken in one short little phrase. As you wish, my love. Had her thoughts not been clouded by pain she would have noticed the brokenness, the love. Her heart broke just a little bit more. What if she had lingered in his embrace a bit longer at the pools? Would that phantom have attacked her? Or would those three little words have finally been spoken? Probably not. Only death could break down their walls, letting their true feelings show, even if for the briefest of moments.

She could feel the tension in his body. His hesitation. While he may have been a bastard throughout their time together, something always told her that he would never kill her. He was far to obsessed. Far to in love. They needed each other in the strangest of ways. Eyes fluttered open, sapphire pools settling on him for the final time. With a sigh her let darkness consume her one last time as she felt his jaws wrap around her neck. She wondered briefly what it would be like. What would be waiting for her on the other side? Heaven? Hell? She wasn't certain.

And just like everything ceased. She felt the momentarily coiling of his massive frame, the tightening of his jaws. She barely had time to register that he jerked his head to the right. There was a sickening crack, and then nothing. Her body went limp immediately in his grasp. There was no more pain, no suffering. There was nothing. He had taken all the hurt away from her. His words fell on deaf ears. Never would she know his lost feelings, the emptiness he felt after taking her life, even though it was out of mercy. He cared enough to take away her suffering with his own fangs. Never again would she walk this earth. At least in this life time. There was always the next. Death may have claimed her this time, but he couldn't tie her down. She would continue to live on, in her children, in this world. Everywhere. She would never leave any of them. Even as he lifeless body cooled, her crimson blood soaking the earth around her. She had left her mark. And would be back to leave it again.

-Secret is dead-

Could you make it on your own?

"Talk here."