
groenland �


07-31-2013, 11:19 PM
supple. soft. simple. with a quite arrival, she'd slipped into this new world idly, without much cause nor need for fanfare. cast adrift, the sway and shift of sinew drew her much like a ghost against a wintry backdrop. by the very grace and illumination of the moon, her traversing was not laborious, far from troubled. she came much in the way smoke rose between the charred veins of smoldering wood and ember. tidal in her movements, somewhat of what one may call a glissade. without ill-intent, not yet, she'd chosen to avoid company and other forms of companionship. bade, begging concealment, she'd come in the way jungle cats do, in a low prowl ushered by muffled steps of soft leathered pads. shuffle and sway, shuffle and sway -- and there, there off yonder awaited the gaping, yawning wound stretched against the earth's surface. a mouth, a mouth awaiting to swallow, to consume: to devour the provocatrix whole. welcomed by the stench of moist earth and a stretch of clay walls, she'd enter. much like everything else committed and accomplished by this hellbound heart, it was done without reason. simply, curiosity wound it's fingers against the pale throat of the she-beast, and decidedly would not relinquish until she complied. choking, twisting, clenching tighter and ever the more sweetly until the ivory of her pelt was smothered by the ink, the oblivion of the caves. she would not be swayed by sensibility or logic; nay, though most may find absolute reason to avoid such a place, she'd stride further and deeper into the belly of the beast: as though she were ready to greet perdition like an estranged lover (a flame, just begging to be rekindled). and there, there it laid: fingers slipping from granite, reaching out, yearning to touch the wet satin of flesh, and thread-bare, worn cloaks. stretching out, so to molest, to prick and prod; to explore the very expanse of any body that may wander. and in it, came the deafening roar of silence, accompanied by the haunting drip drip drip of unseen tributaries and tears. it was there, in this landlocked chamber the stranger would go to rest. her thighs greeted the earth, welcoming the cool stretch of it's embrace, her body slouching then slumping so that the body may be strewn against it's caresses. a soft groan of exhaustion peeled itself from the woman as fatigue finally reached her, as the aches melted in and settled. she would wait, there in the safety of oblivion's hold. there, she would wait for dawn and then she would decide the first step in this new chapter of her existence.