
It's gonna be a grand old time!

Mammoth Hunt!



Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-02-2021, 12:10 PM

He definitely wasn't ready for the amount of faces that showed up, especially the pups. He turned a critical eye to his alpha's kids, brow raised as he was about to question their arrival. The young pups were confident and sure of themselves, telling him their father gave them permission. While he highly doubted they had permission, he decided it wasn't really his problem when their uncle showed up. Granted, these kids were his younger cousins, he would still help to keep an eye on them and make sure they didn't get hurt, but his focus was more on the hunt ahead. Loners and pack members showed up to join after, and to the loners requesting some of the spoils of the hunt, he nodded. Of course, he wouldn't keep them from taking food should they be successful, they would've earned it after all.

Once he was satisfied with the number of wolves that showed up - regardless if they were pup or adult - he jumped right in. "Hello everyone and thanks for coming. Bear with me here, I've never led a hunt for something so big let alone with a group this large. So I don't know what those animals are actually called, but I know they must be related to you've all noticed, they're pretty massive and those tusks on their face I'm sure can be pretty dangerous. The idea I have is potentially separating one from its herd, if we can't separate it then we'll just have to heckle them and run them into a narrow part of the Sound. There is a narrow spot further in, and these creatures, from the sound of it, aren't too far in just yet. I have the mind to set up a trip line further in and chasing our target to that, but in the event that doesn't work, does anyone have any suggestions?"

His gaze roamed to all the pups then, not quite forgetting they were there. He thought about what their role could be, and all he could think of without putting them too much in harms way was potentially using them to heckle their target as much as possible or distracting the rest of the herd if it wasn't too big...
