
It's gonna be a grand old time!

Mammoth Hunt!


06-02-2021, 12:28 PM
Ifrit was hopeful and sure of himself that they wouldn't be turned away. What was Tyto gonna do? Make them walk back to the pack by themselves? If that were the case, he was sure he could spin some lie about their father getting angry about that. But to his relief, Tyto didn't turn them away. His excitement grew, especially when two of his siblings showed up. Yeeesss the squad was here! Granted they were missing two of their siblings, but that was fine. More fun for him and his brother and sister! When Casso showed up, he expected him to say something, but he didn't either. Good. That meant they were here to stay and help hunt one of these big bastards! More showed, including a girl who had a strange looking eye (he didn't know anything about blindness), and he sort of caught the words that she had said. Casting a look her way, he said "Oi! Why don't you say that to my face you halfwit!" If the adults reprimanded him for that, so be it. Ifrit didn't take shit from anyone, much less from a girl who wasn't in the pack. Huffing, he turned back to Tyto just as he started to speak and listened. When he was done, he glanced at his siblings, no ideas in particular in mind, he was just ready to go. "You guys ready for some action!? I know I am!" He quipped to his siblings. He cast another glance towards the girl with the clouded eyed, wondering what her deal was. Though he had to admit, she looked kinda neat with all those scars and stuff.