
Taurig - Isar Son!


07-31-2013, 11:50 PM
Taurig (love the name btw ^-^)

Appearance: With such fine breeding from his father Isardis, it is no surprise that Taurig is one good looking young man, gathering looks and shushed whispers wherever he goes. His base coat is a typical light grey, nothing exotic by far. His good looks come into play once his entire coat is taken into consideration. Dotting his entire body is a layer of darker grey, lightly brushed over the light grey to give him the appearance of a dual-colored coat. But it gets even better. The darker grey has highlights of blue, a steel-toned blue, very much not noticeable, unless under the right light or upon closer inspection. But as the son of Isardis, that is far too simple for the young prodigy. His steel-toned blue coat is highlighted by the darker, almost back in appearance markings that appear in exclusivity across his pelt. The first inky markings appear at his muzzle, coating the entirety of his powerful jaws as it narrows up towards his eyes, becoming just a shade lighter to circle around his icy blue eyes almost like a mask. The rest of his face is clear of this inky mark, with the exception of his ears, which are bathed in it entirely. The ink does not reappear until one's gaze comes down to his sturdy limbs, all four coated in he same dark marks as his muzzle and ears, reaching up all the way to his elbows at his forelimbs and wrapping around the base of his thighs, right around his hips(hope that made sense lol). The only other place it stains him is his tail, which again too is completely bathed in the inky color. Steel cords of muscle wrap around his powerful haunches, strap across his shoulders and chest, giving him a very regal yet powerful look.

Personality: Warrior. His larger than life appearance screams warrior at all who see him and he holds true to his appearance. Born in the family of his mother, Taurig was raised on the moral that women were creatures to be cherished and taken care of, things of beauty and intelligence and of course the providers of the next generation. They were to be protected at all costs. All males, once old enough at six months of age, began rigorous training as warriors, going through basic combat, defensive and offensive, long distance and close quarters. And the young man took to it like a fish in water. His large size made his knack towards war come easier but that didn't mean he was a blood-thirsty warrior. He's a pretty quiet guy, preferring solitude to the company of others. He's not much of a man for words, more like action since that's what he was raised on. Being a warrior constitutes unwavering loyalty and the young knight is the perfect example of it. He's very much a gentleman, especially towards the females, always willing to lend some muscle when necessary. Pretty obedient, though he isn't a mindless puppet either, if you can gain his loyalty, you have the ultimate warrior at your disposal. He is by no means just a stupid hunk of muscle, there is a pretty useful brain that ticks behind his ice-blue eyes. Very stoic most of the time, he rarely shows any emotion if any at all. He has a kind heart, but one that is unfeeling towards anyone. His duties comes first. He has no time for foolish games of feelings.

Plans: have him in glaciem with his father, become something of a lead warrior/protector, perhaps a love interest with a specific female is what i'm thinking