
Everything is Alright

Lilith (summer seasonal)



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-02-2021, 03:13 PM
Ulric knew that Lillith appreciated him, if that wasn’t obvious it would be very much when he returned. Lil relied on him for almost everything, however much she was spreading her wings and recovering. She could take walks on her own now, she wasn’t tired at the end of a lesson, and now that Ulric was gone she was getting all of her own meals. The tasks were harrowing and she felt a terrible nervousness about how long their father would be gone for. That was enough to start effecting her sleep. The girl was already a light sleeper but with Ulric gone she felt like she hadn’t really slept at all. She knew it wasn’t good for her recovering but she couldn’t help it. She was alone and it wasn’t a good feeling.

Lillith tried to spend as much time as possible away from her room, being alone in there just intensified the feeling of solitude. Outside she could be under the warm sun, blue sky, and in the growing greenery of the gardens. The healers in the hallows kept a good garden and she was already learning so much. She was working on harvesting a particularly large dandelion as the day wore on. The girl was wearing the gift from her father, though right now it was less of a cape and more of a scarf with the warm weather. Lillith didn’t want to take it off. It felt like Ulric was always with her. Even if she didn’t really like hugs, this was an embrace she could wear always and think of him.

Sometimes that was a bad thing. She was also partially outside because she didn’t want to miss her father’s return. She counted the days and hours until he came back home. Lilith had lost a bit of condition, but she really was trying her hardest. Even that wasn’t quite as good as being cared for. However much she felt ashamed because of it. Lil tried not to think of her failures as she dug a little more, but was distracted by the sudden appearance of Ezra. He wasn’t often around while she was sick, not that she could blame him. Her own mother had left her after all, it was less of a leap to expect her big strong brother to think she wasn’t worth it either.

He surprised her with a grin and an invitation to a patrol though, surprise crossed her features but he seemed genuinely eager to accommodate her. Lilith nodded and hesitant stood at his shoulder. Her height didn’t even compare to his. ”I think i can handle a lap.” She told him mostly truthfully, but she also wanted to impress him, just to make sure she was worth this attention.

Wc: 463
Total: 840