
i don't wanna lose your love tonight



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-02-2021, 04:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2021, 05:01 PM by Indigo. Edited 2 times in total.)
It would be a big fat lie to say that this day hadn’t been at the back of his mind since the last time he and Segin gathered herbs in the almost magical garden. Plants and herbs of all kinds lived and thrived here, it was an incredible wonder right under their noses. The forest beyond the clearing was rather thick, the greenery was almost overgrown now and it gave the garden a sense of peace and privacy. They were relatively close to the Hallow’s borders too, in case a hasty retreat might need to be made. Indigo intended to get comfortable here, and prayed no interruption found them. Once he was really able to travel more he couldn't help himself as he began to prepare a little nook by the old stone foundation. He laid out a couple of leathers and pillows the day before and packed a picnic to take along. Mostly he was hiding the nervous energy within.

Indigo tried to keep his cool when he invited Segin back out to collect herbs with him, and he tried to dodge the question of why his pack was full on the way there. Eventually though Indy led him to the little hideout he’d made. There was a backdrop of flowers and fragrant herbs, the evening was cooling off and the sun would soon begin to set. The intermittent clouds in the sky promised a vibrant sunset, but Indigo wondered how much attention he’d want to spare towards the sky. He hadn’t been able to keep from playfully bumping Segin’s shoulders all along the way. His heart was pounding against his chest with every step he took. He tried not to grin like too much of a fool, but Segin’s brightness was infectious and he couldn’t help the joy he shared when they were together.

”I tried to make it more comfortable,” he eventually started softly, as massive paws carried him to the little oasis. He slipped the pack off his shoulder and lowered himself to his haunches, a smile still playing over his features as he invited Segin next to him. All the while acutely aware of the bubbling feelings in his belly, and blaring desire he barely contained.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.