
This Pain is My Doing




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-02-2021, 06:58 PM
She was surprised by his words, he could tell by the way she froze, but she didn’t hesitate to tell him either. Emersyn didn’t want to be the cause of anymore harm. She didn’t want him to end up dead because of her and everything that followed. He made her take pause when he told her what he did realize about her. Maybe they were strangers, but Indigo knew when someone needed held. Emersyn didn’t deserve to die on that riverbank, and not to someone who would so quickly take advantage and her life. She was selfless in he thoughts too, giving herself so they might not be harmed by what was after her. That was exactly why Indigo thought she was worth protecting no matter how much she continued to protest at him.

Emersyn doubted her own worth like she doubted his ability to see it. Indigo tilted his features so he could catch her with one sapphire like eye. He could already feel how tired he was and knew he wouldn’t be able to try and persuade her forever. ”Because I know what suffering looks like.” Indigo said softly, his gaze shifting to the stone block walls as his words rumbled from deep in his chest. ”My vow might not be to you personally but I do whatever I can when I see it. No matter who.” He confessed. Had it been her, some other wolf, or the roles reversed, Indigo would have protected the one who was hunted so ruthlessly.

”You’re worth it, I’m certain of it.” Indigo offered with conviction as his eyes blinked closed, like he couldn't hold his eyelids open any longer. Maybe he’d gotten a little too passionate earlier for the condition he was in. Indigo quieted and his body began to relax, he drifted closer to sleep with every moment. He forced his gaze open to offer one more glance, meaning every word he’d said, before brilliant blue eyes closed again.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.