
Finding not so platonic love



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
06-02-2021, 11:11 PM
Tamsyn had felt Sirius' eyes on her frequently during the opening of the festival and into the feast, though with so many wolves and family around they hadn't had much of a chance to speak. She felt that perhaps that was for the best. She didn't want to start some kind of stir in the middle of such a nice occasion and she didn't want to cause any trouble for The Hallows or the Armada in the process. She had kept her distance for the most part, though it was inevitable that they end up near each other on occasion since Artorias and Briar were nearly glued at the hip. Their families had always been tightly interwoven and she felt like that was only going to be more true as those two got older.

Once the feast was over, however, and wolves began to disperse for the night, she knew that speaking with Sirius was inevitable. She had barely spoken to him after Resin's funeral - not that she had really spoken to anyone at all - but so much had transpired even since then. Even with the lines she had previously drawn she had still sought him out, still made herself friendly. Now she was just too afraid to see how he would react to her moving on that she didn't even want that. It twisted at her gut. She hated that she had to feel this way toward a wolf that she still genuinely saw as a friend, but she also knew how deep his possessive nature ran.

She wandered across the border between the birch forest around the shrine over into the familiar territory of the plains, her mint eyes lifting from the ground to see Sirius waiting for her. Her ears flicked, but she moved toward him all the same, shifting away from the other wolves that were going off to find places to rest for the night.

Tamsyn Carpathius