
Finding not so platonic love



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
06-03-2021, 12:28 AM
Tamsyn watched his face no matter how much it hurt her to do so as it spoke, her discomfort and irritation at his initial response fading to make way for concern and distress as she listened to his angered words and saw the madness twinged in his sapphire gaze. In that moment the Sirius she knew had been blinked out of existence. She was confused by his response at first. Yes, he had been possessive of her and she had been his in their own strange way, but this was too far even for him... Until she heard her name. Now and forever, Zee, mine.

Zee. Always Zee. She blinked with shock, staring up at him as he started to slowly advance toward her and she packed away in equal measure, unwilling to let him get close to her when he was in this state. What was happening in his mind that he could look at her in the eye and still think he was looking at Zee. "Sirius, snap out of it," she told him, her brow creasing. "I'm not Zee. I'm Tamsyn. Your friend, not your mate." She watched him with worry, both for her own safety and just out of a genuine concern as his friend, a two sided fear churning in her gut.

She knew there had to be wolves somewhere within earshot that could come to her aid if she needed it, but she didn't want to need it. She didn't want to let others see him like this. That soft piece of her heart that still cared for him wanted to protect him and keep him form hurting, but she couldn't. She couldn't bring Zee back and she couldn't be Zee for him. "Come on, Sirius, look at me. I'm Tamsyn. Resin's mate. Your friend. You taught me how to fight. We found your bear together. Remember?"

Tamsyn Carpathius