
Finding not so platonic love



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
06-03-2021, 02:22 AM
Tamsyn's eyes found his, searching the clouded sapphire gems for a moment before he seemed to realize something and step back from her. She breathed a soft sigh of relief, feeling a heavy weight settle on her shoulders. Emotion choked her at his question, her heart aching at his question. Perhaps he was no longer seeing her as Zee, but he was still in a delusion. She struggled to find words for a moment, not knowing what to say. Did she tell him the truth that he had already heard? Would he even hear or comprehend it if she did? Did she play along just to get him to someone else? Someone that could help or at think more clearly about this than she could? Her own pain of seeing her mate slip slowly away from her clouded and pained her too much to be able to see past that to help him. She couldn't save him, she never could.

"U-um... Um, yes. Of course," she replied after a moment, forcing a smile onto her lips though she was sure it was weak at best. "I think... I think she said she was going to see Asla. Yes, there was something they needed to talk about before the tournament before her." It was an easy enough lie. A believable lie. "Come on, we should go see them. I haven't gotten to see Asla yet." An easy lie. A believable lie. She couldn't save him. Zee, always Zee. She started trying to lead him off toward Aslatiel's den, hoping and praying that Asla would be there. She didn't know who else to turn to any more and she needed someone who already knew where his mental space was at. She didn't have it in her to explain it all again.

Tamsyn Carpathius