
I keep trying, I don't know what for



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
06-03-2021, 03:43 PM
Immediately after the tournament had ended she slipped away from the crowd that was beginning to congregate and move toward the wedding, quietly finding her way away from her family and pack so that they wouldn't see her leave. She didn't want to explain why she wasn't staying, she didn't want to come up with excuses, she didn't want to see the worry in her children's faces. She had put on a smile for the tournament and blocked Sirius' words away from her mind so that she could follow through with the commitment she had made to compete, but once it was over all she wanted was to go home. It was mid day by the time she left the birch wood forest that made up a portion of Ashen's territory so by the time she made it back to The Hallows alone it was deep into the night.

She had a feeling she knew where she would find Kane so she went out into the plains and sure enough that's where she found him. He was easy to spot sitting among the grasses of the plains, his massive, earthen-hued form was easy to pick out and she walked toward him like a moth drawn to a flame. She tried to hold off her emotions until she reached him, clinging instead to the hollow, emptiness. She walked up to him quietly, unable to look up into his eyes as she stopped in front of him, immediately pressing her face into his chest and falling onto her haunches, her forelegs wrapping around him and squeezing him tight. That was like the key to unlock the emotions she had been forcing down throughout the day. Her ears fell back against her head as she swallowed back tears that burned at her eyes.

Tamsyn Carpathius