
I Am Strong Enough




3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
06-03-2021, 09:01 PM

Emersyn pursed her lips as she considered Duchess' words. So the girl had no knowledge or experience fighting. She had kind of assumed as much, but she was a hunter, and a lot of those same principles could apply in a fight, so that was a good start! Perhaps some of these other violet-hued wolves would have hidden qualities and traits about them that could be useful too. It seemed like their little band worked on a societal model, with everyone doing something to help contribute to the rest. Duchess was a hunter, Indigo the muscle, and Segin the healer. Gypsy... well, Em didn't really know much about Gypsy yet. "All right, we can work with that," she said with a nod when Duchess mentioned her hunting skills. "Let's start with the basics then. Standing and stances, footwork, and how to attack and defend." Yes, those would be good first lessons. They could break it up into as many segments as the girl wanted.

"So, just like hunting, fighting depends a lot on how you move and hold your body. It's sort of like how you want to make yourself as invisible as possible when hunting, in fighting you want to make yourself as stable as you can." Emersyn spread her paws to a little more than shoulder width, bracing her hind paws in perfect symmetry with her front. "When you're standing still or bracing yourself, try to keep your legs evenly spaced in front and in back. That'll help prevent you from being toppled over. Don't lock up your muscles either, or you pretty much become a table. Be tense, but flexible. You should be ready to move, but also bend your knees." Emersyn made a demonstration of lowering her body and lifting it back up just by bending her joints.

"Once you've got your feet steady, you want to try and keep your head and neck aligned with your spine. That makes you much sturdier and packs a lot more punch if you lunge at someone, like this," she said, showing Duchess how she lowered her head to make an almost perfectly straight line along the top of her head, her neck, and her back. "You give it a try. Try to copy what I'm doing, then feel what it's like to slowly move around while keeping that stance." Ever the one to lead by doing, Em began to slowly pace back and forth as if she were eyeing an opponent, her movements slow and deliberate, body tensed and ready to pounce. She would be a living example for Duchess, and she would watch the smaller fae to help her out where she needed.
