
This Pain is My Doing




3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
06-03-2021, 11:16 PM

By the gods, Indigo was persistent! The big purple wolf stated he knew what suffering looked like, and that he would have helped anyone, whether it be her or someone else. Emersyn didn't want to admit that she was suffering. That would mean showing weakness, and showing weakness meant death. Other wolves preyed on weaknesses and took advantage of every opportunity to control you when they could. But Indigo... he didn't know her at all and yet he wasn't giving up on her. Here he was in incredible amounts of pain, having narrowly avoided death, and still he was trying to convince her to stay so he could help her. It perplexed Emersyn and didn't fit into her views of the world or of men, especially bigger men. Indy was a conundrum and she couldn't figure him out.

He gave one final adamant statement that she was worth it, staunch conviction in his declaration, and then his eyes closed as he drifted off to sleep again. Emersyn glanced down at Indy's face, eyes tracing the distinctly masculine features, caught between peaceful rest and trying to stay awake. A wry smirk pulled at her lips as Em decided to give him the final push he needed to fall asleep, running her claws through his mane again over and over and over again, knowing how much he liked that. There was quiet in the bedroom for a while, Em just listening to the steady rhythm of Indy's breathing, watching him while he relaxed and rested. Such a stupid boy... going and risking his life for her like that.

Leaning down to him, Em ran her muzzle against his forehead in a gentle nuzzle, whispering a quiet, "Thank you..." She hadn't said it before, but she felt it. Indigo had been the only wolf to ever stand up for her, defend her, risk his life for her. She didn't know how she would ever repay the sacrifice and kindness he'd shown her, but somehow, she'd find a way.
