
The Start Of A New Beginning


08-01-2013, 01:41 AM

Mist seeped around the crevices of his legs as he walked silently across the bank of the lake. The silvery ghost swept silently across the ground. The only sound was the water lapping the banks as he went on his way. He hadn't been here at this time of day, so early in the morning when all was quiet save for the waking ducks and crying hawks. This was the perfect time, HIS time, that he enjoyed. The stillness of the world, as if nothing existed. Hidden behind the fog and mists of time. Two-toned eyes bore through the mist, as if breaking through the eerie spell and parting the way. Silence was all around him, save for the occasional throaty quack of a duck or the hunting hawks. Every now and then, a fish leaping from the water would make a dull splash somewhere on the lake.

Silver ears twitched, turning ever so slightly to catch the sounds hidden within the mist. Scents and sounds would be muffled, creating a challenge to detect any immediate visitors to the area, but if it came to a fight somewhere...he would come out on top. Even for one so young, he was well versed in the ways of tooth and claw. His paws dropped him off near the water, and gracefully he leaned down to take in water to quench his thirst. Head lifted, muscles flexed underneath his ghostly pelt, and he watched as the mist stir and swirl upon the surface of the lake.
