
did you ever imagine



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VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
06-04-2021, 02:06 PM
She hadn’t seen him since she’d been told about Zee and Azure’s deaths. The news had come as an incredible surprise, but she tried to be there for him as best she could. Their relationship was strained, to no fault of Sirius’s own. She was the transgressor and maybe that was why it was so incredibly difficult for her to face him now. How much different would everything be if she hadn’t kissed him on that day? It was but a frivolous moment now, the cascading effects were long and endless, she thought about them far too often and led her mind descend into depths of depression.

Deathbelle paid special mind to her children, they were all she had and deserved every bit of her attention and effort she hadn’t given the older ones. She devoted herself to the two young wolves, and tried not to think about the missing third. She also blocked out how much she had missed of her grand puppies. She hadn’t set foot in Ashen for a long time, and missed all of Venom milestones after taking the throne. Deathbelle’s punishment perhaps.

Being here now and watching the goings on made her yearn for the days of old, when all had been right in her world. She knew there was another wolf wishing for days past as well. Sirius didn’t take much convincing, and Belle led him away from the festivities so they could have more privacy in the conversation. It had been far too long. Boht were battered and broken now, the once mighty Klein was feeling her decline.

”What are my grandchildren like, Sirius?” She asked him softly as they walked, the festival now long out of earshot. Her chest tightened as she spoke the question. Of all of her regrets this might have been one of the most serious.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.