
Mirror of Ice

Pyrite <3



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

4 Years
06-04-2021, 03:45 PM
The young girl with the black-and-silver fur found herself in the Northern Hemisphere, close to the Sparse Pines, but not close enough to be nuisance. Ever since the meeting with the cute blue boy at the border, Silent had steered clear of the large scent wall that claimed the land as theirs. She had an understanding of what a 'pack' was and why Bronze was defensive about what lay on the other side. It was not a big deal to the girl, really, but Silent had a lack of knowledge of the pros and cons of being within a pack. As a loner, she was accustomed to enjoying going where she pleased. It was one big difference between her and Bronze. Secretly, she wondered if she would ever like the idea of being confined to a set of borders.

When she came across the Wall, she had no idea what it represented, or even what its name was. It was a huge and long trail of stones that were stacked on each other to a certain height, impressively dark against the white of the surrounding snow. Silent's pace slowed as she stomped through the snow, attempting to keep her footing as she approached the large structure. She craned her neck upward, green eyes roving over the stones closest to her. Ice had frozen itself over the nearest surfaces, causing her to see herself in its reflection. She raised one front black paw and touched the mirror that showed her face in a warped shape. The warmth of her pad and the sharp cold of the ice contrasted greatly and for a second, Silent felt shocked. She pulled back her paw, but she remained in awe as she drank in all of the details that could be seen past the ice and in the stone. "Cool," she said, though the double entendre was missed for the moment.