
Pretty is as Pretty Does



08-01-2013, 07:41 AM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Orica gasped, even jumped, at the sudden sound of an incoming wolf. Oh no - they'd been found trespassing! Her heart quailed away for a moment as she took in the sudden wall of white. Up til then she'd just been thinking about how nice the other pack wolves she'd heard of had been - and about her Aunty Solliel. But now all she could think of was the story of how Aunty Asheni had been found trespassing for herbs years ago and been taken prisoner for months! Orica gave a soft little yipe! and shied away.... but then she realized what the Valhallan was talking about.


She was a healer too!

Orica straightened up, still looking rather meek and apologetic, but she listened to the other wolf's words. The older female had such nice blue eyes... - And she obviously knew what she was talking about. Orica was hardly surprised when she introduced herself as not just a healer, but a lead healer. Orica was quick to bow her head respectfully. Eyes lingering, fascinated on the thistle head that had been so deftly plucked. "It is an honor to meet you Miss Erani, but my name is Orica, and -oh, I'm terribly sorry for tresspassing, I just saw all this lovely milk thistle and I couldn't help myself." Oh dear. She hoped she wouldn't get in too much trouble.
