
A lot of fear and a little love



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
06-04-2021, 09:24 PM

It was good Sirius took his comments well.  Naiche had wondered as he said it if pointing out his irritation at Asla but apparently loving her was enough to make up for it.  Sirius chuckling was a nice easing off the concern of any wrath from his leader.  The man had been through a lot with family death which meant his tension was already riding high.  Naiche had experienced those he loved and those he cared for dying.  Too many deaths.  How many had Sirius faced?  Asla would never become another notch on the death count.  Somehow Naiche would keep her safe even when he wasn’t near her.  Even when he felt like he hated Asla, Naiche would still do his best to keep her safe.  

Actions that lead to childbirth?  Well, only maybe was the cause of her having childbirth.  Sirius made it a point that in his mind the ‘maybe’ meant nothing.  Duty in loving them?  If the kids weren’t his he still had to offer love?  Did Sirius realize love wasn’t something Naiche was all that great at showing?  Yes.  Naiche realized Sirius knew but he didn’t particularly care at the moment.  Wait.  Did that mean Naiche figured he would love them if they were his?  The golden-wolf was still trying to sort through his own feelings alone and having not figured them out while in this discussion wasn’t helping him any.

“Whether they are mine or not, they are Asla’s.”  Naiche shrugged as if that should leave the rest of it obvious, “So of course I will help care for them regardless in whatever their needs.  I’d never dishonor her, you, her children, or myself.”  Another thought occurred, “As to everything aside from the love I would make sure any wolf in this pack had such basics.” Love was a pain-in-the-tail so no reason he’d want to help force this insanity upon others.  He thought about asking Sirius if Zee drove him crazy then recalled the man still dealing with her death and decided that would have to be a story for the future.  

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]