
Could This Be It?



7 Years
08-01-2013, 08:30 AM

Silver paws flew over the mossy ground, sleek silver fur lay flat, mismatched gold and blue eyes narrowed against the wind. Her tongue lolled from her open jaws, and muscles rippled under her pelt. Abruptly, she swerved, dashing forward, swerved sharply again, tail wind milling for balance. With a final lunge, she pounced, snapping her jaws shut on her target?s neck and twisting. Her prey went limp, nerves that controlled bodily movement severed. She shook it for good measure, before the limp, brown grey body fell from her jaws.

Panting, Surreal straightened and looked around, before dropping onto her haunches. She looked down at the hare, whose large dark eyes were blank with death, glazed clear of emotion. She felt pride about her kill, a sense of accomplishment that made her sigh happily, and her tail smacked the mossy ground. Bending, she lowered her head to pick up the dead hare, but paused at the sound of paws on moss. She wrinkled her brow, listening closely, trying to remember Uncle Cormalin?s teachings in Forest Craft. Three? Yes, three pairs of paws.

She picked up her catch and crept closer, sliding behind a bush and peering through the stems and leaves. Her ears pricked. Three males, ranging from dark to light, and largest to smallest. They smelled sort of familiar. Like Cousin Claire! Uncle Cormalin had told her and her sisters to keep an eye and a nose out for males like that. He hadn?t been able to tell her much on what they looked like, but Claire had. And they looked just like what Claire had said. She wagged slightly. More relatives. More family. She stopped moving, listening. The misty silver one was talking. Call? Uncle Cormalin would be coming by soon!

Her attention deficit disorder was almost gone now, with only occasional lapses in her attention now and then. She was almost a year old! Her birth season was literally days away. She could hardly wait. It would be when her real training would begin. Fight training. Hunting, Defense! Oh, and Endurance! She shook herself, forcing her focus back to the scene on the other side of the bush as one of the three howled. Then her excitement got the best of her. Dropping her hare, she pranced around the bush, tail wagging slightly. Not one to beat around the bush, even though she had just walked around one, she piped up in a voice young and more influenced by her mother?s mixture of Highlander and British than by her father?s lazy Russian. ?You?re my cousins, Alsander, Cael, and Caerul! Aren?t you?!?

Ever to the point.

Mismatched blue and gold eyes gazed up at the still much larger wolves, fearless, friendly, eager, curious.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.