
Wine Vines




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-05-2021, 03:11 PM

Segin followed Duchess over to a different bundle of grapes, this time colored with a dark red color. He watched curiously as she ate one and grinned when she reported that these were better. So they were different flavors then! He took one for himself and hummed at the much sweeter flavor that it offered. "Oh yes, these are much better," he agreed with a nod. Maybe if they passed by here on the way back they could collect some to take back to the others, but they hadn't thought to bring a pack with them so they wouldn't be able to carry many. It wasn't all that far from the castle though so maybe they could come back another time.

He turned his attention back to the trees around them at her question, curious silver eyes scanning the ground. "You'd be surprised the places you can find herbs," he said with a chuckle. Clearly this land was pretty fertile if it was supporting these trees and all of these thick grape vines, but that didn't always mean that herbs wouldn't grow. He started walking through the trees again, keeping an eye out for any herbs while he was at it. If there were good herbs here then they'd have an even better reason to come back here at some point.

Sure enough, he spotted a speckling of yellow among a dense patch of vegetation and he moved toward it, pulling back some of the vines and leaves to reveal a nice looking cluster of Agrimony. "Here we go! Well, we know at least that Agrimony grows here if nothing else and that's not always an easy one to find," he told her with a grin. He reached in and picked a small piece and turned to Duchess, carefully tucking the delicate flowers into the fur by one of her ears with a playful grin. "Pretty flowers for a pretty lady," he insisted with a wag of his tail before turning and beginning to walk to the other side of this grove, curious to see what else they would find past this interesting place.

Segin Epsilon