
Make the impossible possible?




10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
06-05-2021, 03:45 PM
If ever she or Valdis fell sick in the way Rudyard's mom had, she could only hope Ulfr would find a way to make their final days more comfortable. She commended the boy for his care toward his mom, regardless of what conclusion he came to. Unfortunately he hadn't seemed too surprised by her news that her sickness couldn't be cured; if she was so mentally unwell that that was attacking others it seemed unlikely it was something temporary. He seemed to appreciate her help quite a bit anyway, even offering a favor of she needed one. Asvor highly doubted she'd take him up on that offer but she nodded anyway, appreciative of his politeness. Clearly his mother had raised him to be a decent wolf, which only made her want to help him more.

Finding this particular plant here was going to be hard. It wasn't the type of thing to grow in a landscape like this. She'd have to lead them further west, and so she did - minutes turned to hours before they reached the edge of the fjord, where it met a vegetated area. Asvor wasn't the most chatty of traveling partners, but occasionally she paused to make note of a similar looking plant so at least if they didn't find what they were looking for Rudyard might have some more concrete examples of how to pick out the plant he was looking for from other, potentially dangerous ones.

Just when she had begun to think they were out of luck, a particular scent touched her nose. Quickly she redirected herself, sniffing around a stretch of of overgrown vegetation. "Here!" She called out to the boy after a few minutes of searching. She'd found it - a small little section of cannabis plants, growing in sparsely but still there, and definitely still usable. Gently she reached a paw up to gesture to the particular leaf. "Find a way to tear off some of these leaves, as many as you can carry back." Maybe his companion there might help carry them home? She wasn't sure.