
Fighting Like Cats and Dogs

Ezra - Summer Seasonal


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
06-05-2021, 07:32 PM

Ezra found his way out of the pack lands for the first time in weeks. While his father had been gone on the trip to the other packs he had stuck close to home, helping out with patrols and hunts and the like. Steadily with a bit of Art's encouragement and guidance he was starting to feel more like his contributions around the pack did actually mean something. He had even been spending more time with Lilith now that his sister was feeling better and could get up and move around the pack more. Seeing her hesitance and surprise at his offer to go on a patrol with her the other day made him realize just how little time he had spent with her and guilt over that started to gnaw at his gut. He wasn't proud of how he had acted as a pup when he was constantly trying to push everyone away from him and do his own thing so now he felt like he had to really make up for it. Emile was distant or absent at best and while he did see Jane around moderately often he didn't really click with his rambunctious sister. He thought he might be able to have some kind of good relationship with Lilith though and he was proud of how she had handled that saber cat so he just hoped that maybe he could be a bit of a mentor for her the same way Art had been a mentor for him.

Now that his father was back though he wanted to enjoy a bit of the freedom he felt and wandered up toward the Wildberry Grove. He'd heard that there had been several bear attacks up here recently and a part of him wanted to see if that bear was still around, but really he was more interested in trying some of these berries that everyone kept talking about. He still wore his armor just in case, but his sweet tooth brought him up here more than anything. There was also a lingering thought of the fox-like woman he had met the last time he left the pack lands, occupying this thoughts as he traveled north to the berry plant filled grove. He felt like it was a slim chance that they might ever cross paths again unless she came to The Hallows for something like he had suggested, but he still held a little bit of hope... Though he wondered if she would even want to see him again after he was so utterly hopeless at talking to her. He sighed softly at the thought, his ears flicking back with embarrassment.

Right about then, the sound of scrambling and crashing through bushes up ahead made him stop, his head popping back up and ears perking to listen. He was immediately on edge, his brows pulling together as he contemplated whether he should go see if there was someone that needed help, but then the sound started getting closer and louder and he realized it was coming right toward him. His fur bristled and he readied himself to run or fight - until the very woman he had been thinking about appeared in front of him, running out of trees in front of him and very nearly running right into him in the process. "Syanna? What's going on?" he questioned with a concerned ice blue gaze as he looked past her at the trees, trying to look for whatever had been chasing her.

1065 / 1500

Ezra Adravendi