
try and knock us down



08-01-2013, 09:57 AM

The day was dark and damp, covered with clouds that threatened to release a flood on the land. The atmosphere made the battlefield all the more formidable and intimidating to those willing to venture in, though many would choose to avoid the area. The stench of blood and sweat, and the remains of wolves and other creatures long forgotten served as a warning to those too timid to visit the place. For Killian, they only told him to press on, that he was in the right place.

It had been a long time since the navigator had battled another wolf, and he felt out of practice. Confessing to Alessa recently his desire to have a pack of his own one day had created the urge within him to get back into the field. He would need to be strong for a pack to even want him, let alone to consider ever starting his own. It seemed to him that the best choice was to find someone to help him get to where he needed to be, and the place to do that would be the Alacritian battlefield.

Sparing a brief glance at Smee, who padded carefully and silently beside him, he considered everything he was practicing for. It was not only for his revenge now, but for his friends in this new land. Alessa and Smee were both important to him, and he wanted to be strong for them. He settled back on his haunches and let out a loud howl, calling to anyone who was willing to join him. All that was left to do was to wait patiently for the event.

thank you wolfie!